Census 2021 – Change in accommodation type
16th January 2023

The recently published 2021 census data has revealed a change in the proportion of flats and houses in which households are living in towns and cities across the country. Of the 25 largest built-up areas*, 11 have seen a swing towards living in apartments, with the other 14 experiencing a swing towards living in houses.
This shift to apartment living is highest in Outer London (2.5% swing). Outside of London, Norwich and Southampton have reported a 1.6% and 1.2% swing.
Despite the strong desire for apartment life nowadays, more northern cities have seen a swing towards living in traditional houses (Hull 1.4%, Liverpool 1.6% and Nottingham 1.8% swings).Source: Dataloft, Census 2021*based on OS Open Built Up Areas with London split into Inner/Outer