New homes needed
3rd October 2019

8.4 million people, equivalent to one in seven across England, live in ‘unsuitable housing‘, according to a comprehensive report on the housing crisis released by the National Housing Federation.
Overcrowding, the inability to afford the rent or mortgage and hidden households (those where people live with friends or relatives as they are unable to afford to move out), are issues which each affect over 2.5 million people.
To meet new demand, the report estimates 340,000 new homes need to be built per year in England, of which over 40%, 145,000 need to be social housing. Current rates of house building are just half this level. 169,450 new homes have been completed in the last year, of which just 30,000 (18%), 18% were built by Local Authorities or Housing Associations (MHCLG, July 2019).
Across Wales it is estimated that of the 8,300 new homes required each year until 2022/23, based on housing need 3,900, (47%) should be affordable provision. Over the past twenty years just 11% of completions have been affordable housing.