StuRents: Quarterly Review of Student Rental Sector in Brighton & Hove

19th June 2024

Market Overview

Student Numbers:

In 2023, Brighton experienced a slight decline of 0.1% in total student numbers. This was driven primarily by a 0.3% decrease in undergraduate students, while postgraduate numbers saw a 1% increase. The University of Brighton has seen a notable reduction in its student population since 2018 ​​.

Accommodation Prices:

The average weekly price for House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) properties is £148 per person per week (pppw).

For PBSA, the average price stands at £306 pppw​​.


Market Demand

Search Trends:

In Q2 2024, larger accommodation options, such as clusters and HMOs with three or more beds, captured 77.9% of searches on This marks a slight decrease from the previous quarter, which reported 88.1% for similar searches. One-bed flats and studios constituted 10.8% of the searches​​.


Approximately 80% of students searching for accommodation in Brighton had a budget of at least £150 pppw, higher than the national average of 69%​​.

Supply Pipeline:

There are 3,262 beds in the supply pipeline, with most awaiting planning decisions.

A significant new project approved in the last quarter includes a 566-bed development​.


For more information, click here for the National Report, and click here for the Brighton Report.