What a Labour Government Means for Landlords

10th July 2024

Image of a Landlord and tenant.

With the Labour Party’s recent victory in the UK general election, Keir Starmer’s leadership promises significant changes across various sectors, including the rental market. For landlords, understanding these potential shifts is crucial for navigating the evolving landscape. This article explores the implications of a Labour government for landlords and provides insight into what to expect in the coming years.

Stricter Regulations and Tenant Protections

One of the key aspects of Labour’s housing policy is the implementation of stricter regulations and enhanced tenant protections. This includes:

  • Rent Control: Labour has proposed introducing rent controls to ensure fair pricing in the rental market. This measure aims to prevent excessive rent hikes, which could impact landlords’ rental income.
  • Security of Tenure: The party advocates for longer-term tenancies, giving tenants more stability and making it harder for landlords to evict tenants without a valid reason.

Energy Efficiency Standards

Labour plans to prioritise environmental sustainability by raising energy efficiency standards for rental properties. By 2030, all rental homes must meet specific energy efficiency criteria. Landlords may need to invest in upgrades and renovations to comply with these standards, which could involve significant initial costs but lead to long-term savings and environmental benefits.

Tax Reforms and Financial Implications

Labour’s proposed tax reforms include changes that could directly impact landlords:

  • Mortgage Interest Relief: The party may review or reverse changes to mortgage interest relief, affecting the financial calculations for landlords with mortgaged properties.
  • Capital Gains Tax: There could be an increase in capital gains tax, particularly on second homes and rental properties, impacting landlords’ profitability when selling their assets.

Social Housing Expansion

Labour plans to invest in social housing, increasing the availability of affordable homes. While this initiative aims to address housing shortages, it could result in increased competition for private landlords, particularly in areas with new social housing developments.

Enhanced Local Authority Powers

Local authorities under a Labour government might receive greater powers to regulate the private rental sector. This includes stricter licensing requirements and increased inspections to ensure landlords comply with health and safety standards.

Opportunities for Landlords

While some of these changes present challenges, there are also opportunities for landlords:

  • Sustainable Properties: Investing in energy-efficient upgrades can make properties more attractive to eco-conscious tenants and potentially qualify for government incentives.
  • Stable Tenancies: Longer-term tenancies can lead to more stable rental income and reduced turnover costs for landlords.


The Labour government’s policies signal significant changes for landlords in the UK. While stricter regulations and enhanced tenant protections may pose challenges, there are also opportunities to adapt and thrive in the evolving rental market. By staying informed and proactive, landlords can navigate these changes and continue to succeed in the new landscape.

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